When: Sunday, February 24, 1-2PM
Where: Lake City Branch Seattle Public Library
What: Reluctant to Enthusiastic: A Clearwater Parents’ Forum
Parents at the Clearwater School in Bothell grapple with thorny issues resulting from sending their children to a democratic school. Providing their children with the freedom to be responsible for their own learning can be a daunting endeavor. Parents will discuss issues such as unlimited gaming, learning the fundamentals, how their kids are doing at Clearwater vs. traditional school, and how they themselves handle their difficulties with giving young people control of their lives.
In a radical departure from traditional schooling, Clearwater considers students responsible for their own education. Students choose what they want to do, when they want to do it and with whom and in ways that… serve them best.
Given the freedom to pursue their passions and the infrastructure to take responsibility for their lives, Clearwater students become confident, articulate adults with the skills they need to succeed. They graduate, get jobs, attend college, all without GPAs, transcripts or other stamps of approval that more traditional schools require. Do tell.
Sound Intriguing? Presentation is FREE & open to the public. Parents, students, community members, educators and journalists are welcome.
To learn more about The Clearwater School including the history, philosphy of education, visit online: www.clearwaterschool.com
Sunday, February 24, 1:00-2:00PM @ Lake City Branch – Seattle Public Library
which is located @ 12501 28th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98125 206-684 7518