The annual Mill Creek Community Garage Sale is scheduled for this coming
Saturday – May 7, 2011.
So why does Mill Creek have a bi-annual community garage sale? The simple reason for the twice-yearly event is that the Mill Creek Community Association- MCCA homeowner covenants state that no one can post signs except for “For Sale” signs (see below) or political campaign signs during election time (that’s another story all together). It’s also a good idea to have a smorgasbord, if you will, rather than a bunch of random “individual” sales dotting the community.
“9.1.5 No sign or other advertising device of any character shall be erected on any Lot or building site or maintained upon any part of the properties except one sign not larger than eighteen inches by twenty-four (18” x 24”) inches advertising the Lot or building site or sale or for rent by the building of the improvements on such property or the owner or his agent.” — MCCA Covenant Committee Guidelines
The garage sale is held twice a year on the first Saturday in May and the first Saturday in October. The event was started because of the sign issue and the fact that so many residents wanted to have garage sales, especially during those hot and heavy building years between 1978 and 1990. There were so many people moving in, out and within the community, this was offered as a solution to have an orderly, organized semi-annual event.
The fact that so many people participated, attracted that many more garage sale shoppers who came to make a day of it. Bargain hunters from far and wide mark their calendars and plan their strategies well in advance. In the early days the sale was so big and well-attended it was actually held over both Saturday and Sunday. Many volunteers including MC Police and Snohomish County Explorers were needed to help direct traffic — car and pedestrian — and to manage the parked cars that filled the division streets. Do tell.
So come out and enjoy the hunt. For those of you who want to participate by selling, just get your things out, open that garage door and be prepared for the crowds. There will be a Goodwill Industries container parked in the MCCA/John L Scott office parking lot (across from the entrance to Mill Creek Golf Club) on both Saturday and Sunday for the treasures you don’t sell and wish to donate.
Image and text unless otherwise noted ©admindotellmillcreek, 2011. All rights reserved.